Monday, October 20, 2008

Is this what I was like pre-Dx?

So is this what I was like before I realized I had a sleep disorder? I ran out of meds over the weekend and didn't get a chance to fill the new prescription yet. So today, I'm unmedicated, and I'm a clumsy, forgetful mess. I've walked right into my desk at full speed three times already. Ouch.

I went to Kroger at lunch today to fill said prescription, and that is the SLOWEST pharmacy I have ever been to. Seriously -- how long does it take you to enter in the script into the computer, realize you can't find it, and finally ask for help? It didn't help that the pharmacist there was about 90 and showed his age. So I give my Rx and a vitamin D Rx to the tech and plan to wander for about 10 minutes. I go to produce and get some sushi for lunch and some veggies for dinner... I go to cosmetics and pick out a new mascara... Then I get this feeling like I'm supposed to get something travel-sized. Just this gut feeling like I'm forgetting what it is but I know I need it. So I finally find the aisle with the travel-sized goods and start scanning. Pepto Bismol! Has to be it, right? So I can keep it with me in case the Metformin side effects kick in. No no, I only buy meds in whole packages. Can't be it. What else? I REMEMBER! LOTION! Wait, what? Lotion, really? Yeah, it was lotion I was forgetting to get... It was also lotion that I was forgetting I have about 20 small bottles of in various places like my house, my purse, my desk at work, and my car. Yeah. I forgot I was supposed to get something even though I wasn't supposed to because I forgot I already had it. THAT is how tired I am today.

So after I slap my forehead, I go back to the pharmacy. Got my dextro, but they don't have my vitamin D in their computer. Tech says another pharmacist comes in later and she'll ask him to help her find it for me and call me back. Never got the call. Kroger still has my actual paper script. Hooray! So I have to find the number there today and call and see what's up. Do they not realize what a hassle that is for someone who forgets she forgets?

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