Friday, August 22, 2008

Endo lab work

I started seeing an endocrinologist last month. When I was 18, I gained a ton of weight within a few months and my periods stopped. So far, taking birth control pills haven't helped with anything, and all my lab tests (thyroid, testosterone, etc.) came back normal. After I was diagnosed with IH, I kind of attributed all that to it. I've lost about 20 lbs. since May, but I'm still on the pill so I can't say for sure what my periods are like. My family doctor and sleep doctor both agreed that I should see a specialist to see if I'm dealing with the chicken or the egg, so off I went.

Let's just sum up my first appointment with him by saying I was not impressed... Not impressed to the point of crying in his office. Nice, eh? Granted, I was unmedicated at the moment so I was pretty easy to push. I had a bunch of blood drawn and was told I needed to come back some other morning to do a glucose tolerance test.

I went in yesterday morning to take the test, and oh boy was that fun. :P I couldn't eat anything in the morning, and I had to be there at 7:30am, which is usually when I wake up. Plus, I didn't take my dextro since it upsets my stomach if I don't take it with food. Strike three. The tech tries to stick my arm, and I can feel it's not working well. I tell her that most people have problems with my veins so she's free to use my hand instead, which she does.

needle dots on my hand
I drink a horribly nasty rancid Kool-Aid and get my blood drawn in intervals. What a waste of 3 hours.

I go back September 8 for my follow-up with the endo to review my results, so fingers cross that something actually shows up. I do see a neurologist before then, though, and I'm pretty sure she'll have more answers for me than this idiot endo guy.

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