Thursday, September 11, 2008

For those of y'all that wear fanny packs... c'mon!

Obscure Ben Folds Five reference: approved.

Anyhow, I look super awesome in my mobile EEG/EKG garb. Not. :P I didn't go into the office after I was done getting attached, and working from home is no peach. I could access websites fine on my Mac as far as speed goes, but since they're mostly optimized for Windows, I had to use our PC desktop to access them for certain functions. How frustrating that the PC was running super slow and kept crashing. Gah. It's only a 3-yr-old computer too -- it's more up-to-date than the PC at work, and that one doesn't crash all the time. I don't get it. Oh wait, back to the EEG stuff. So they hook up the EEG wires on my head, EKG patches on my chest, put gauze all over my head to keep the wires in place, and give me my little fanny pack that holds the machine in place.

I know I look dumb with all that stuff on to the point where I won't go in public and yet I posted it on the internet for anyone to see. But the point is for someone else who has to get the EEG done can see what it was like.

On a really cute note, this is love (the brown furry thing is my dog):
what a sweet doggie

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