Monday, September 8, 2008

The week of many appointments

Here's my doctor schedule this week:

Today I see the endo to go over the test results he ran last month. I'm not incredibly nervous -- I know they'll all come back normal, as usual. I'm just anxious about how he will deliver the news. He doesn't seem to be the most understanding or compassionate doctor I've been to. If he doesn't get that I'm not all-over-body tired, then I don't know what more he can bring to the table. We'll see.

Tuesday, I go for an MRI. Not the best way to spend my lunch break, but it could be worse, I guess.

Wednesday, I see my chiropractor, who is just absolutely amazing. It hasn't added any extra energy, but I'm feeling so loose and well that I don't have to fight a tight aching back or shoulders.

Thursday, I go in the morning to have my EEG "installed." I'll miss about a half day of work, and since I'll look really dumb with all the wires all over my head, I'll be working from home the rest of the day. Unless I get there and I don't actually look too stupid, then I'll go into the office for the rest of the day. I want to make sure I keep my schedule as normal as possible so it's an accurate reading. Then I go Friday morning to have the wires removed. I'll be late for work that day too since I have to drive an hour away to get them off, then an hour home to shower, then a half hour to work. I'm not looking forward to that commute. Yuck. :P

I haven't really been keeping track of my sleep schedule this past week. Honestly, I've been too preoccupied with other things that logging onto here and adding posts hasn't even crossed my mind. Nothing major has happened, really. Yesterday, I slept almost 12 hours until about noon, and then I had a 30 minute nap around 4 or 5pm.

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